One Hundred Ways

The puzzle-fun is now available on the Xbox One too!
The Xbox One-version contains 18 exclusive new level and was optimized for controlling with the Xbox One gamepad. We have also optimized the graphics. Overall there must be solve 133 level!

- 133 levels for a lot of gaming fun
- 18 level of them, exclusive for the Xbox One
- 10 tuto...

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One Hundred Ways

The puzzle-fun is now available on the Xbox One too!
The Xbox One-version contains 18 exclusive new level and was optimized for controlling with the Xbox One gamepad. We have also optimized the graphics. Overall there must be solve 133 level!

- 133 levels for a lot of gaming fun
- 18 level of them, exclusive for the Xbox One
- 10 tutorial levels
- Modern interface
- Optimized for controlling with gamepad
- Over 30 tools that make it either more difficult or easier for the ball to reach its goal
- Slowly increasing difficulty
- Real time 3D-Iso-view
- Game in English and German